#specifically bowie mk julia and damien.
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floadolescent · 1 year ago
im going so crazy i care more about the reboot cast than i do about gen 1 LIKE WHO AM I WHAT AM I DOING
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canonically47 · 1 year ago
post ep5 & ep6 thoughts (+ screenshots)
contains MASSIVE SPOILERS for SEASON 2 OF TDI 2023 REBOOT, specifically EPISODES 5 & 6!
as a calepriya shipper, i was so ready to give up on them when caleb kept referring to him and priya as just an alliance, but OH MY GOD!!! OH MY GOD!!! ARE YOU KIDDING!!! MY HEART IS FULL THEY'RE FLIRTING AND LIKING EACH OTHER HE PUT A FLOWER IN HER HAIR I AM FUCKING SCREAMING!!!!!!! the only thing i am worried about now is zee. i think he will not be able to see the signs that caleb genuinely likes priya and will tell priya caleb is merely using her... at a point in which this will not be true, and caleb will have truly fallen in love with priya. this will create some horrible drama and given the quick pacing of the episodes i truly hope it will be sorted out!
DAMIEN RULES! DAMIEN RULES!!! DAMIEN RULES!!!!! damien for winner of season 2 WHO'S WITH ME!!!
oh julia got nichelle so good :( so sad :( so mad :(
damizee crumbs >>> i fucking love those two
i am looking forward to more damizee crumbs and calepriya & ripaxel interactions. also, i truly hope zee gets further this season, i want him to make the top five <3
i want the top five to be zee, damien, MK, wayne and raj SO BAD yall do NOT understand!!! i NEED damien, raj and MK as the final three PLEASE...
ripaxel <33333333333333333333333
MK you are a queen girl, chin up you got this
finally you guys deserve some screenshots so here i am, serving up a storm (mostly straight people sorry guys <//3), you're welcome:
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real-total-drama-takes · 7 months ago
Reboot cast and who I think their fav was (ik TECHNICALLY only the first season of the og is canon in the reboot but imma pretend the second season takes place like two weeks after)
Bowie - honestly either Heather or Leshawna, maybe both
Lauren - LOVES IZZY but loved Gwen's fashion
Wayne & Raj - saw Katie and Sadie and went "they just like us fr‼️", they also love Tyler
Zee - dude probably liked all of them tbh
Damien - canonically didn't watch the show but I think he'd watch it after being eliminated, I think he'd like either Courtney or Damien
Priya - Diehard Courtney Stan but rooted for Gwen in the finals
Julia - was a heather Stan when she was younger but pretended to like Lindsey
Nichelle - Leshawna was her icon but she had a special place in her heart for Lindsey
Chase - kinda hard to decide between Duncan, Geoff, or Tyler
Ripper - Owen, no doubt, bitch you wanna be him so bad, you will never be him. He's also probably a minor Ezekiel Stan and thinks he was cheated for his "based" take about women💀
Millie - Gwen, leshawna, or DJ, idk, they feel the most sensible I feel like shed like them for that
Emma - Defo a Lindsey stan, no.1 Lyler shipper, their everything she wanted in a relationship but never got
Mk - I don't feel like she'd like anyone specifically, she'd root for whoever was the sneakiest or had the best strategy
Axel - Eva, to this day she still thinks her aggressive queen was done dirty
Caleb - either Leshawna or Bridgette, Justin was definitely an inspiration to him tho
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sammy-deserves-better · 1 year ago
I sob as I crawl onto my tumblr blog, for I have once again made another god damn AU and I have to tell people about it
It’s a power AU, pretty much everyone has some kind of superpower/ability and of course it’s Reboot cast focused since they’re the cast I understand best
Anyways here’s their powers and some explanations of how the powers work
Axel - Weapon summoning, can summon weapons out of thin air
Bowie - Flash, creates a blinding light whenever he desires, he can even store it as small orbs and use them as flash bombs
Caleb - Supernatural strength, everyone knows what this is
Chase - Sonic boom voice, his voice can be so loud that it shatters entire buildings
Damien - Chemical summon, the ability to summon whatever chemicals he desires, dangerous
Emma - Steel skin, can transform her skin into steel, mostly used as defence but she can manipulate her hands to become different steel weapons
Julia - Mirror magic, reflects anything onto another individual with ten times the power, if her mirror shatters, she can use the shards as another way to attack
Millie - Writing, anything she writes can come to life, Millie seems to stay hidden away from everyone though so her power cannot be abused
MK - Shadows, can manipulate shadows to either attack or defend, and can also hide and transport herself with shadows
Nichelle - Star power! Can summon stars at any time, at any size, can be used for attack or defence.
Priya - Emotion based power, whatever emotion she’s strongly relating to determines the power, anger is fire, happiness is electricity, etc etc
Raj - Ice, strong on its own, but with Wayne it becomes incredibly powerful
Ripper - Earthquake, can create earthquakes at any magnitude from stomping his feet into the ground, he is unaffected by the earthquakes
Scary Girl - Nightmare and fear feeding, feeds on the nightmares and fears of others to strengthen herself, can also bring these nightmares and fears to life, very dangerous
Wayne - Ice, again, strong on its own but with Raj it becomes powerful as hell
Zee - Liquid manipulation, the ability to use any liquid he wishes and can change its structure, form, taste, smell, basically anything about it, can also be used as an attack (he can even create tsunamis but lets not let him know)
Rn I don’t have a specific plotline to follow with it rn other than a simple good vs evil, I might add things such as artefact hunting and the awakening of ancient deities and fighting yadda yadda
Some of these powers might make no sense for the characters but some characters (Priya especially) were quite difficult to imagine powers for, so uh, yeah
Again all the old gen casts are here as well so add them to the AU however you wish, make up your own storyline or something, I just wanted to talk about these idiots having powers
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chrismcleaneatspants · 6 months ago
Day 9: Favorite reboot character
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Gen 4 is a very strong cast (my favorite set of contestants in spite of season 2), and even among the likes of Bowie, MK, Emma, Zee, Damien, and season 1 Priya and Julia, there's just something about Millie that resonates with me more so than most other reboot players. Something with her I relate to more than anyone else.
Maybe it's also because she (at least in season 1) feels like an evolution of the show's mentality when it comes to specific characters. Millie in a previous season would probably have been either a joke or an early boot, but in reboot season 1, she's an actual character, which is a far cry from previous characters like her.
Or maybe she's also just really funny in a cast filled with some of the best humor since the original Island.
Whatever the case, Millie's my favorite from the reboot, and I will stand by that for years to come.
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kayrockerqog · 1 year ago
okay this is gonna be my general reaction post for episodes 2-4 of the reboot, so spoilers are UNDER. THE. CUT.
okay so one: I have never been more conflicted about a ship in my fucking life
this is ripaxel specific, because of course it is, what else would we be talking about here
on the one hand, no, not in a million years, what are the writers thinking, what insanity is this, I'm so confused and not in a good way at all
but on the OTHER hand...he did opt for using something she liked in a unique way to get her attention, and was like, mega cringefail about it but it still worked??? SHE liked it??? that's the important part.
so???? i'd have to see further how they progress with this before I decide, because oh god was the secondhand embarrassment horrifying during these past few episodes
now, two: caleb and priya
three: rajbow + Wayne and the in-game cheating
again, never been so conflicted in my life, me and Bowie are twinning
on the one hand, I am SO glad he's like actually conflicted and doesn't like lying to Raj. Again, surpassing my expectations on behalf of the writers because I would've 100% expected them to make him lean into cheating without repercussions
on the other...Raj and Wayne being upset about cheating actually makes ME kinda upset despite how much I adore MK and Julia's antics!!! like!!!! the boys just want a fair fun game!!!!! how can you say no to those faces???? they're like puppies I stg
i AM relieved this is like, a cheating in the GAME plot and not a cheating in the RELATIONSHIP plot because that is ALSO a TD Taboo and I was afraid, they're still adorable and have an actual narrative, god bless
four: mkulia
canon, it's canon, idk what else you want me to say man
also, very important MK image
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look at her go... i love her actually
five: sha-lightning round
Millie and Damien's entire feud and make-up was surprisingly well done!! and despite the fact she got eliminated that episode it was still a happy ending that fit really well with both of them!! I'm glad Damien's actually getting some play this season so far :D!!
Zee with Olivia Von Trashpanda is by far the best thing I've ever seen in my life, I love them sm
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the besties,,,
i wish I was Emma in the scene where Axel ran her finger by her chin threateningly (I'm shameless I know but come ON I WISH THAT ME!!!!!)
Nichelle getting to slay is the best thing ever lowkey???? I'm so proud of her!!
Chase getting kicked out second was the best, get dunked on loser!!!
Emma has also been returned to my good graces for dunking on him, thank you girly
Chris missing Scary Girl is so real, I miss her too man :<
and, well
I now know I never want to participate in would you rather challenge irl, those questions were horrid
except the one with Axel and poetry, that's a really nice character touch despite what it leads to
and...yeah! general thoughts dump. I'll still be making separate posts and I actually feel motivated to draw canon for once..back on my total drama bullshit? /pos
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theenbynightingale · 2 years ago
My Current Total Drama Island Reboot Ships
Raj & Bowie (or RajBow)
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Need I say more?
Axel & Nichelle (or Nichaxel)
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“Oh, so two people will just sit next to each other and they’re dating?” Exactly. Glad you’re catching up. I did actually like seeing them interact in the finale even if Nichelle didn’t even say a word. Facial expression in animation are that strong. I just think the contrast between the ever-prepared Axel and woefully unskilled Nichelle would be neat. Plus, they’re early vote-offs so I can do whatever I want.
Priya & Damien (or... Damiya?)
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They were foreshadowing this, right? It wasn’t just me? Oh, well. Anyway, I think they’re neat. I liked their interactions, few as they may be. I also liked how they reacted towards one another like Priya blushing over Damien’s compliment or their reactions when she got him as a partner in the finale. I do think the “you’re the love of my life” was mainly there as a joke but I wouldn’t be that opposed to it. Although, my real OTP would be Priya and a therapist because GOD DAMN-
MK & Julia (or MKulia, I think?)
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I’ll be real. This is mainly because when Jules (for personal reasons, her name to me is Jules and not Julia, don’t ask) was celebrating over be exposed, I honestly thought she was gonna thank whoever did it... before grinding them into dust. Anyway, I like it because it’s Aleheather but sapphics so that’s cool. Plus, they both hate people and refuse to make friends. I think, at the very least, they deserve more interactions. And MK just deserves more screentime.
So these are all the ones I can really think of at the moment. I’m sure more will come up in the future. But I just wanna say that, just because I like these ones, doesn’t mean I think any other ship with these characters is stupid. There’s nothing wrong with not shipping one person with another specific person and we shouldn’t make big deals out of it. If you ship Priya with Millie instead of Damien, great. More power to ya! Do you know how many people I’d love to see Gwen end up with? More than one. I’m especially saying this because I’m pretty sure Axel is being shipped with every other girl so I don’t want anyone to think I’m saying shipping her with Nichelle is the only right option. We’re all just here to have fun.
The Emma/Chase ending was stupid though, ngl. Fuck Chase.
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totaled-drama · 1 year ago
Can you do a height comparison on who you think the tallest to shortest person might be-? (The reboot cast btw!)
HELLO!!!!!!!!! :D
I don’t talk about it often but I’ve got like a whole ramble about character heights and inconsistencies and such for the reboot specifically because they’re my favorite cast and I love analyzing inconsistencies!!!!!!!! And their heights are super inconsistent!!!!! This is literally one of my favorite topics so I apologize if I get all long-winded and start to ramble.
I go screenshot hunting very very often. Which basically just boils down to rewatching the reboot over and over and screenshotting frames that I like. I have so many. I Am The Screenshot Guy. And I use these screenshots to figure out the inconsistencies :D
Putting this under a read more tab thing because this is going to get long
So with the way that Total Drama is animated, sometimes the characters are scaled differently based on the frame. This leads to many, MANY height inconsistencies.
A Few Examples of Inconsistencies:
-Bowie is sometimes too tall or too short depending on the frame. This causes characters who are standing next to him to have inaccurate heights comparatively.
-There’s a couple of scenes where Ripper is taller than Zee and Bowie.
-Raj is sometimes depicted as being way shorter than Wayne; sometimes they are depicted as the same height. The height difference becomes more apparent when they are wearing helmets.
-Sometimes Bowie, Raj, and Wayne are an entire head taller than Nichelle and Julia, sometimes they are only a few inches taller. The latter is more accurate in Wayne and Raj’s case.
-Millie is usually taller than Priya, but there are a few scenes where Priya is taller than Millie.
-Ripper’s height is all over the place. Sometimes he is taller than both of the hockey bros, sometimes he’s only taller than Raj and he’s shorter than Wayne.
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There are far more inconsistencies than just this but if I were to keep pointing them out, then we’d be here all day akdhsjdh
So with all of that being said:
Semi-Accurate Height Chart (From Tallest to Shortest):
Scary Girl
-Axel and Emma’s heights could easily swap here; we don’t really get to see them stand close to each other in order to compare them.
-Bowie and Zee’s heights could also swap.
-Chase is sometimes shorter than Julia. Sometimes he is taller. It changes constantly. If he’s shorter than her, then that means he’s also shorter than Nichelle. If he’s taller than Julia, then he’s taller than both of them.
-Ripper’s height changes CONSTANTLY. There’s some scenes where he’s taller than Zee and Bowie. There’s scenes where he’s shorter than both of them. It’s difficult to tell. Usually he’s around the hockey bros’ height, if not taller.
I could talk about this forever and ever but I will end it here. I love analyzing small details :)
Thank you for the question!!
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whichuniverseisthis · 2 years ago
Sooo... I did a thing. Here's the list of Pokémon I think would fit the td reboot cast. Choices are based on either esthetic, personality, certain characteristics or a mix of everything. I'm planning on doing the other casts as well, btw.
Axel: Scizor - I thought about an "axe" Pokémon, and the only thing that came to mind was Kleavor, but since I didn't want to give her a Pokémon from 200 years ago (no, I don't count the fact that you can have it on SV), I thought about the closest thing to it, and that was Scizor, which is still pretty fitting, if you ask me.
Bowie: Meowscarada - I decided to have Bowie and Priya foil each other. I haven't played SV, but from the Pokédex entries I've read, it seems like Meowscarada uses deceit to hit it's enemies. Plus, I think Dark type fits Bowie pretty well, and it also has his color palette (green and purple, though in reverse quantity).
Caleb: Dragonair - At first I wanted to go for a pink Pokémon since it's his main color, but I already headcanoned Milotic with Alejandro, so I went with the next closest thing. Plus, if in season 2 his own description ends up being true (strong and kind) Dragonite could be pretty fitting too.
Chase: Impidimp - A reddish little trickster gremlin who likes to cause chaos. I don't think I need to explain more.
Damien: Kecleon - Decided to go with his "biology nerd" side. A Kecleon seems like a species he would be really interested in, while also being a not-too-strong Pokémon.
Emma: Morpeko - I couldn't help thinking about the "Bad Emma" during the pole challenge. Plus, an overall cute Pokémon who gets angry because of a specific reason seems pretty on point.
Julia: Zweilous - Two-faced Dark type Pokémon, violent and strong. The colors are actually the opposite of hers (white, yellow and light blue vs black, blue and red). She probably wouldn't use it too often, but it does fit.
Millie: Gothita - I started thinking Psychic types would fit her well, so I started looking into it, and Gothita's Dex description is funnily on point. Observes other Pokémon and Humans to watch things only it seems to see (self-explanatory), and it apparently talks alone (which could represente her notebook).
MK: Nickit - Didn't know whether to go with the technology side or the thieving side, but in the end I chose the more obvious one.
Nichelle: Mime Jr. - A pink little Fairy, who becomes a full fledged performer (both as Mr. Mime and Mr. Rime), is the closest thing to an actor I could think about for her.
Priya: Quaquaval - Foiling Bowie, a Fighting type fitting of her, with her same blue palette and oriental elements in the design. Meowscarada and Quaquaval also have a weakness and a resistance to each other. Also a callback to when she acted as a bird to save Millie from the cassowary.
Raj: Alolan Vulpix - Ice type who become a Fairy type, the more trickster type (he was the one who came up with the idea to stop the raptor). Funnily enough both Ice and Fairy are super effective against Bowie's Meowscarada.
Ripper: Stunky - Do I really need to explain this? At some point he even does the same pose.
Scary Girl: Mimikyu - I could have gone with any Ghost type, but I thought about when Zee said she dressed like a doll, so I decided it was either Mimikyu or Banette.
Wayne: Alolan Sandshrew - Ice type who's also a Steel type, more strong willed and super effective against Raj's fairy (the leader and more competitive).
Zee: Slowpoke - I thought Water types fit Zee pretty well, and Slowpoke is probably the laxest and dumbest Pokémon I could have chosen. Psyduck was also an option at some point, but Golduck was too cool-looking for him.
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amethyst-geek · 5 months ago
3rd version of TDI reboot season 3 team rosters
I have decided to once again change the rosters for the teams in my idea for a third season of the TDI reboot. Also I have once again change 1 of the newcomers. To be more specific, I have replaced the cheerleader with a snobby prep boy. The teams will still be selected through comically dangerous means.
Brave Beavers 1. Wayne (captain) 2. the weeb (who also happens to Wayne's cousin) 3. Millie 4. The trust fund prep 5. Axel 6. Zee 7. Damien
Daring Deer 1. Julia (captain) 2. Priya 3. Raj 4. Nichelle 5. Ripper 6. the canon fodder, I mean the self-righteous new age hippie 7. the theatre kid
Courageous Cobras 1. Caleb (captain) 2. MK 3. Scary Girl 4. Chase 5. Bowie 6. Emma 7. the cowboy
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hughjidiot · 8 months ago
Total Drama Level Up: Chapter Three Behind-The-Scenes
With only two chapters of TDLU left, I really need to start doing more of these behind-the-scenes posts. So here's chapter three, the fighting game challenge.
This chapter has an interesting history: it began life as a pure boxing-themed challenge based on Punch-Out. It also would have been the first challenge of the season instead of the go-kart race.
I remember one specific fight I had planned for the boxing version: Chase vs Damien. (They were on different teams in this draft.) Chase would seem like he has an edge do to Damien's lack of fighting experience, until Emma points out that Chase is extremely protective of his face. Damien would come up with the strategy to target Chase's face, forcing him to guard until he left his midsection exposed and Damien would give him one good punch to the solar plexus, bringing him down for the ten count. When I reworked the challenge to be about fighting with weapons, I reworked this idea into the Nichelle vs Axel bout.
Also in the boxing draft, Priya and Julia were on different teams and the climactic final fight would have been between them. Other boxing matches planned were MK vs Scary Girl, Ripper vs Caleb and Bowie vs Zee.
In the final draft, there was a period where I considered a Wayne vs Raj match. (Raj vs Bowie was out because season two did that in the canoe dueling episode.) In this draft Raj won, and Wayne actually went home because some on his team thought he lost on purpose to make sure Raj would be safe. I ultimately didn't go this route because it was too similar to the "loved one throws challenges" plot from Total Drama Action, which I thought was so goddamn stupid and poorly written.
In fact, avoiding the drama that comes from established platonic/romantic pairs being on separate teams was an explicit goal of mine going into this story. Hence why I had so many scenes of Raj hanging out with Bowie and Wayne, and the way Damien and Millie openly planned to ally with Priya, Caleb and Nichelle after the merge.
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ripaxed · 1 year ago
Dropping predictions last minute
Elimination order is going to be MK, Priya, Wayne, Damien, Caleb, then Julia vs Raj finale with the latter winning
Episode 9 opens with Caleb trying to talk to Priya but the other campers (mainly Damien and the Hockey Bros) stop him
Caleb publicly apologizes to Priya and she forgives him, followed by a moment of Damien and the Hockey Bros cooing while Mk and Julia react negatively
MK steals the immunity idol from Damien but gives it to Julia, resulting in her elimination
Mkulia will have a Moment at the docks
Illogical / poorly justified voting to keep Caleb and or Julia in
Wayne and Raj share a sad little “hoot hoot” when the former is eliminated
Damien has an underwhelming elimination
Scary returns in the final four episode
The returning competitors talk about who they want to win in the finale, MK is the lone Julia supporter while Nichelle and Bowie both have lines about being bitter over her getting them out
Emma specifically has no lines in the finale
Alternatively, Axel has no lines because she and Ripper make out during the whole duration of the episode (I’d take it honestly, I miss them)
Priya and Millie don’t acknowledge each other
Bowie as Julia’s helper and Wayne as Raj’s
Priya comforts Caleb when he ranks third
Raj says something along the lines about how cheaters never win
No alternate ending, feminism loses
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total-drama-atlas · 2 years ago
I was warned about ep5 being not so good
So anyway episode five time!!
Millie asking Chris to stfu about her possibly being dishonest? Girl I was liking you. Don’t tell me you lied my girl Priya she didn’t deserve that. Neither did my beloved lauren :((
New intro is seeming less bad hmm
Damien complimenting Priya and then she gets all flustered? That is ADORABLE
although the way they show Priya’s blush seems… off. I dont think realistically it would be that saturated on her skin tone, or that light. The color isn’t quite right for the red shade of her blush I don’t think, but I’m obv not an expert and I still think it’s cute
ZEE I LOVE YOU SO MUCH I hope he’s a merger
the way zee was drinking his soda after pricking the side of the can was so funny for literally no reason.
Wayne and Raj are so stupid and adorable and I love them so much
now I see why Julia specifically said beans. this is peak comedy /s
“Ew! Are flirting with me over my farts???” “Yes, I am😏” ripper that was the one funny thing you have contributed so far. Other than the alfalfa male thing that was funny too
“So you don’t get eaten by the raptors.” “THE BASKETBALL TEAM?!? “ raj you are so sweet
Does chase not realize not everybody is a total asshole or??
The raptors are a downgrade from the total drama bears :/ glasses bear my beloved
Zee is so great y’all
WAYNE IS SO PRECIOUS “I just thought of something!” “Rajie, you can tell me ANYTHING. Anything you need to get off your chest about your feelings or who you are or anything at all. I am here for you and I care for you. I will never judge you.” (Confessional: “He’s telling me! I’m so excited!!) “you got any hockey tape?” (“Nvm”)
I didn’t notice Emma’s undercut… hmm…
MK is a schemer. She’s everything noah could be. I love her and would die for her.
Emma has every right to hate chase. He’s awful. I hope she gets to commit a crime at him
“I KILLED ZEE 😭😭😭😭” “sup” “OH MY GOD IM SO SORRY ZEE 😭😭😭” “it’s fine bro idc”
Damien being a little bit of a nerd is so cute to me. I honestly love that for him
Ripper is so gross and not in the way that I can look past his brand of physical comedy and appreciate his character. it’s in the repulsive way
Then discussing how possible it would be for a raptor to open a door while one opens the door is a tiny bit funny
Bowie and I are on the same page here
guys MK’s jaundice is back I think
Priya is so sweet I love her “DAMIEN! You’re the love of my life!” “I am????” “NO BUT I WANTED TO SAY THAT TO SOMEONE BEFORE I DIE”
Wow they just. Blew up the mess hall. Wowzers.
Id ripper doesn’t leave this ep I will be SO upset
If Damien gets eliminated I am going to cry
okay but the reason is wholesome
not a good episode but at least I knew what I was getting myself into. I pity anyone who watches it without at least a warning of how awful it is
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real-total-drama-takes · 9 months ago
2023 TDI oops all influencers reboot (from 🦆 anon)(not including chase + julia for obvious reasons) (I haven't watched season two yet so take this all with a pinch of salt)
Caleb is like Mr beast. Monetized acts of kindness. Probably a daily vlogger too.
I think Axel has two unrelated but both semi popular social media accounts. A basic work out Instagram, and a secret Tumblr account where she posts shitty poetry.
Nichelle has a nepotism YouTube channel that gets pushed hard in the algorithm due to her being a celebrity. She doesn't really post the videos her manager probably pays someone to do that for her.
Scary girl I thinks started out as a controversial Tumblr mico celebrity and moved to tiktok as soon as that ship sank. Posts a mix of dances and untagged jumpscare/shock videos.
Damien is a let's player/live streamer. I was gonna say he's a react channel but I decided he has too much integrity for that. He gets genuinely scared playing middle of the road indie horror games.
MK has a YouTube channel where she "gives advice" on how to shoplift. But it's all shit advice that will get them caught. She doesn't want competition.
Wayne and Raj have a shared react channel. They aren't like cynical about it they just don't realize how shit the content they're making is. They watch scenes where characters play hockey and go "yup that what I would've done".
Ripper has a podcast he hosts out of the shed in his parents back yard where he just talks about mind numbing bullshit that doesn't matter. Eventually he starts taking calls and half the callers are just asking if he's really like this or if he's doing a bit.
Zee has the spirit of early internet. He just records himself talking to the camera about a bunch of bullshit and it gets 50 million views +. He doesn't even monetise it so he doesn't make any money from it, he just has a love of the craft.
Emma has a true crime channel. She has enough self awareness to be somewhat cautious when talking about murder at least. She still has an a sponsor for every video though
Millie probably doesn't watch YouTube realistically, but if she did she would be a video essayist. She makes videos called "The total-dramatization of Gen Z", and they'd be the most pretentious shit imaginable.
Bowie I think streams some basic shooter like valorant specifically so he can ruin some fourteen year old shit heads day. He's okay at the game but he even better at the mental warfare of a unmoderated voice chat.
Priya is like baby gronk, does this make sense? She doesn't have her own social media but I imagine that since the first day she was born her parents have worked tirelessly to keep her relevant.
Bonus: Chris tried to make a YouTube channel, uploaded one video, spent the rest of the day arguing with commentators asking why he tortured those teens on live tv. Chef ended up deleting the channel while Chris was sleeping to keep him sane.
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alecodys · 2 years ago
doing this in alphabetical order out of convenience ok? ok:
axel: was a sailor during life, but ended up dying after she nd the rest of her crew shipwrecked on the winter ice in the 1850s. she was the last to die nd ended up the furthest inland as a result of her survival skills, but still acts a bit weird about it for obvious reasons. has the ability to make the living smell raw meat when she passes thru them (at the expense of severe pain on her end, as is the case when a living passes thru any ghost)
bowie: was a stylist in life and died in the 1900s. the dyes in clothes + chemicals in makeup deteriorated his health a lot but he loved his job. and also didnt know that the dyes nd chemicals were bad. has the ability to interact with his surroundings if he puts a large amount of effort into it, nd this ability is the one considered by the rest of the ghosts to be the most impressive
caleb: was a model for an art class that was taking place in the house's gardens back in the 1820s. doesnt spend much time interacting with the others since he doesnt like the house v much. tends to wander the grounds, whether it be the woods, the gardens, the gazebo or the lake. he died from heatstroke btw.
chase: died the most recently (late 2000s). a former wannabe celebrity. went to the house bc he wasnt totally convinced emma was actually dead and wasnt just faking her death to get away from him and ended up dead in the process. he refuses to tell anyone how and nobody was there to watch him bc they didnt give two shits abt him
damien: a revolutionary scientist during his day, but died in the 1760s and had his work and ideas stolen by his contemporaries. very bitter about the stolen work thing, but loves sharing his knowledge and learning more regardless. died after mixing the wrong chemicals :(
emma: went on a roadtrip around canada in the mid 2000s after breaking up with her, quote, "super over controlling and annoying boyfriend". ended up dying after staying over at the house out of the kindness of the owner nd ending up on the bad side of the wildlife on accident
julia: a "family friend" of one of wayne's ancestors, meaning she secretly hated them but enjoyed the money and fame it brought her to be associated with the family. the house had lightbulbs installed in it in the 1880s, but nobody who lived there knew how to work them, and julia ended up electrocuting herself on accident. has the ability to manipulate electricity with some effort, but if the current is repeatedly turned on and off while she tries to manipulate it it knocks her out
millie: a writer who went to the house during a pop-up "writer's retreat" but ended up being a murder victim and inspiration for a internationally bestselling novel. has slowly been getting over her death, especially since it happened in the 1830s nd shes had 190 years to get over it, but it is understandably still a sore spot. still enjoys writing in her spare time
mk: used to work at the house during life for the sole purpose of stealing from her bosses. it wasnt like they would notice a couple expensive pieces missing anyways. was caught one day in the 1860s nd left to rot in a small room as punishment but ended up becoming a ghost instead. really wants an ability to torment the living but doesnt have one yet
nichelle: a famous actress in the 1920s silent era of hollywood that went to the house for a vacation bc the acting world was beginning to overwhelm her, especially w/ the innovation of "talkies". the specifics surrounding her death r suspicious, altho the official report is an allergic reaction (altho her ghost shows no signs of one). has the ability to appear in photos/video
priya: was a respected scout leader, but in the 1980s was shot thru the neck by one of the scouts while she was trying to teach them safety in archery. still has the arrow in her neck as a ghost, since you stay how u die nd all, so she cant remove it. butts heads w bowie a lot
ripper: largely chills in the basement w zee. the two died at relatively similar times (ripper died in the 1950s) nd so they have a lot more in common pop culture-wise than the other ghosts. has the vibes of a greaser reject. desperately wants to make himself look and sound cooler to the other ghosts, but everyone aside from chase nd zee think hes kinda cringefail
scary girl: nobody knows when she died or what her name was and she keeps coming up with a new date and backstory every time someone asks her. she died of some kind of plague and lives in the pantry for optimum scaring. has the ability to sing nursery rhymes which the living can hear
zee: died in the 1960s after a freak accident left him beheaded. he doesnt really mind tho and mainly chills out in the basement with ripper where hes managed to learn how the water heater works. normally only wanders upstairs when his head gets knocked off his body since they function as seperate entities when separated and his body obviously cant see or hear
total drama ghosts au bc i love putting these characters in situations. ill be back in a momnent w some notes
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asselinssatan · 2 years ago
I have Thoughts.
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Caleb: probably the "pretty guy" of the season. Either a little manipulative or very nice.
Nichelle & Julia: the reason im pairing these up is because a) even though their names aren't together like Wayne & Raj, Nichelle is the only one who's facing the other way, and she's next to Julia; b) their designs are kinda in one style. I think they're like. Bloggers. Blogger friends. Maybe a bit nasty, but still chill.
Bowie: gay gay homosexual gay. I love his design sm. Its a bit ugly but its funky.
Wayne & Raj: gay gay homosexual gay. They're like Sadie & Katie but not annoying and theyre like hockey (or smth im not sure) bros.
Emma: The Rich Nice Girl.
MK: she gives me "quirky" girl vibes tbh. she seems to be the annoying one. like not the usual annoyibg girl but like the annoying to me specifically. But I hope she's not because i love her she's so small. MK stands for Mary-Kate cause mary kate and ashley i hope you understand that i love you a lot and i wanna be your man-
Priya: The Nice Girl.
Millie: no thoughts head empty. I can't say anything besides "nice girl #72726156383 of td"
Ripper: Nowennnn . Ok but anyway, Rippee is witty, sarcastic and mean. I can see him getting far. (punch me if im Wrong.) Also I hope hes gay.
Damien: Uh. No thoughts. Its like with Millie.
Axel: Woooaaaahhhhhhhhhhhhhwooaaaaaa......... She seems VERY important!!!! She seems like a finalist. She's Tanque Grunt (if you know you know)... Anyway i see her like as chill but also very competitive. Kind of an amalgamation of s1 Gwen and Sky mayhaps. But also a hint of Jo. also i hope shes gay
Chase: ughhhhhgg. he seems like another one of those Nice ones. Anyway he seems like the typical main guy whos gonna get the girl and all my suspicions lay to axel . but i hope axel is gay
Scary Girl: love from first sight. I think her real name is gonna be a gag, like come on, ofc fresh would do that. Whem she arrives to the island she's interrupted, when shes about to say it she gets hit or smth, when she's eliminated shes far in the distance for us to hear. So i think she'll stay as Scary Girl. and like as i said i dont think she'll stay far but not like early elimination either.
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